Brief about me

I am Yassir Kensouss a dedicated Fullstack Javascript Web Developer located in the United States, with a high school degree and a diploma in multimedia development.

I bring with me a two-year freelancing experience, where I specialized in building presentational and e-commerce websites using Wordpress, NextJS. Additionally, I have gained invaluable experience as a front-end Engineer in a startup, where I worked on developing an Intelligent Orchestrated Platform as a Service (Unified-IOPaaS) for a year. With a profound passion for UI effects, animations, and the creation of intuitive, dynamic user experiences, my focus lies in crafting exceptional, scalable and accessible. web applications.


Web Designer training (2019)


Web Developer (2020)

Self employed - Wrodpress - ReactJS developer

Front end Engineer (2022)



  • Html5 / Css3
  • Sass (preprocessor)
  • Tailwind css
  • Javascript - Typescript
  • ReactJS - NextJS
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB - SQL
  • Redis
  • Web Accessibility

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